Sunday, July 25, 2010

1-Year-Old Baby Tests Positive on Cocaine

An adult can accidentally fall into unwarranted accident or health risk, much less a 1-year old kid. A shocking news about a 1-year old baby boy tested positive of cocaine and PCP rattled Chicago. A witness saw the child, at a West Side house, Sunday, chewing on a piece of tinfoil thought to be tainted with the above mentioned drugs.

The child was taken to Mt. Sinai Hospital after he was acting lethargic. Good thing the boy was found in good condition, though, remained at the care of people in scrub tops and scrub pants of the hospital that day for observation. Investigators went to the house and found drug paraphernalia after the hospital officials called cops.

How many infants are faced with such risks, being with irresponsible parents who are drug addicts or users? What if nobody saw what happened to that poor child? What could have resulted from this will remain covered from the sight of the public and the authorities. And the all will rest on the hands of the people responsible.

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